Provision DynamoDB Via SAM CFN
SAM templates stand out as a superior choice compared to traditional CFN for several key reasons:
- Provides higher-level abstraction designed for serverless applications
- Offers simplified packaging and deployment capabilities
- Features a more concise and streamlined syntax compared to traditional CFN templates
SAM templates excel in providing a focused and succinct representation of essential resources. By emphasizing only what's needed for your application, the templates enhance the clarity and manageability of your infrastructure setup.
Here's a quick overview of the workflow for provisioning DynamoDB using SAM templates:
Step | Description |
Build | Build your SAM application. |
Package | Package your application and dependencies. |
Deploy | Deploy the application and provision DynamoDB. |
For further insights, you can refer to the related commit. (opens in a new tab)
DynamoDB CFN Template
- Open the AWS SAM template file
- Configure and develop the template as per your requirements.
The provided will deploy DynamoDB Table and DynamoDB Stream straight to the console.
$ ./ddb/build
/workspace/aws-cloud-project-bootcamp/ddb/template.yaml is a valid SAM Template. This is according to basic SAM Validation, for additional validation, please run with "--lint" option
== build
Starting Build inside a container
Building codeuri: cruddur-messaging-stream runtime: python3.9 metadata: {} architecture: x86_64 functions: ProcessDynamoDBStream
Fetching Docker container image.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Mounting /workspace/aws-cloud-project-bootcamp/ddb/cruddur-messaging-stream/cruddur-messaging-stream as /tmp/samcli/source:ro,delegated,
inside runtime container
Build Succeeded
$ ./ddb/package
== package
Uploading to ddb/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 22 / 22 (100.00%)
Successfully packaged artifacts and wrote output template to file /workspace/aws-cloud-project-bootcamp/.aws-sam/build/packaged.yaml.
Execute the following command to deploy the packaged template
sam deploy --template-file /workspace/aws-cloud-project-bootcamp/.aws-sam/build/packaged.yaml --stack-name <YOUR STACK NAME>
PS: The environment variables transfer was executed using this toml file.
Operation | LogicalResourceId | ResourceType | Replacement |
+ Add | DynamoDBTable | AWS::DynamoDB::Table | N/A |
+ Add | ExecutionRole | AWS::IAM::Role | N/A |
+ Add | LambdaLogGroup | AWS::Logs::LogGroup | N/A |
+ Add | LambdaLogStream | AWS::Logs::LogStream | N/A |
+ Add | ProcessDynamoDBStreamStream | AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping | N/A |
+ Add | ProcessDynamoDBStream | AWS::Lambda::Function | N/A |
Changeset created successfully.
Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language Files
TOML is a config file to read and write to store settings and parameters for our scripts and the actual template.
Benefits | Usage in IaC |
Provides a structured and readable way to specify configuration parameters for IaC templates and scripts. | Define variables and values in a separate file for easy modification and reuse of configurations. |
Enables passing environment variables between the IaC template and accompanying scripts. | Access values specified in TOML files within IaC templates or scripts using the appropriate parser or library. |
Simplifies the management of configurations in IaC workflows. | Use TOML files to define parameters passed to CloudFormation stacks for dynamic and flexible deployments. |
Who is Tom?
Tom Preston-Werner is the creator of Jekyll and the founder ex-CEO of GitHub
Working with TOML
Get to work seamlessly reference the specified environment variable in your code.
- Sample CloudFormation artifact store:
Location: "yacrud-codepipe-artifact"
Type: S3
- Specify the environment variable in TOML:
ArtifactBucketName = "yacrud-codepipe-artifact"
- Reference the environment variable in your infra as code:
Location: !Ref ArtifactBucketName
Type: S3
- CFN Template: This template contains the necessary configurations for the CI/CD deployment.
- TOML file: This file includes specific settings and parameters required for the CI/CD process shipped to the console.
The instructions provided above are part of a CI/CD CloudFormation deployment process, which includes the above components.